Should We Legalize Marijuana And Stop The War On Drugs

Each President since then has taken the popular public stance and each state since then has continued to bounce between state and federal laws so to talk about the legal ramifications any further would just be redundant. But before we put that thought to bed, please take a second and do a little math in your head, and give me a rough dollar amount on the cost to arrest, take to trial, and incarcerate every nickel and dime marijuana case since 1930.

So let's get into the heart of the matter for me, the health effects as related to the respiratory system.

We'll take a minute and discus not only the medical marijuana issue, but the research provided to me regarding lung cancer and respiratory effects.

I received a copy of an editorial and back round research written by D.P Tashkin which appears in volume 35 of the European Respiratory Journal entitled, "Does cannabis use predispose to chronic airflow obstruction?" It is from this source that I base my thoughts on the medical ramifications of legalizing marijuana. Let me assure you that I am strongly trying to resist the urge to type something to the effect of "You would have to be stoned to understand all the variances of clinical research findings." Bad joke but I couldn't let it go.

There seems to be plenty of research out there based off of case studies with focus on the effects of smoking marijuana in regards to airflow obstruction of both large and small airways as well as studies regarding lung cancer.

Rather then present each individual study to you which is not the point of this article, I'll offer my conclusion of what I have learned. A criminal lawyer can look at your case. Determine if a compromise can be met due to the circumstances. Many marijuana possession cases are simple to resolve, as long as you have an experienced litigator on your side. Legal Marijuana is a topic being discussed throughout the world. Will actually be voted on by the UN in 2009. The rationalization is that regulation will allow control of the strength of the THC. The decimalization will have a positive social impact. Ten out of fifty states in the US have passed Medical Marijuana Laws. More states will be voting on similar laws in the coming months. These laws are only symbolic at this point because the federal government still has laws forbidding the use, possession and cultivation of Marijuana in the US. If the federal law changes these states are ready, at lest as far as the law is concerned to start distributing marijuana.

Legal Marijuana will impact Addiction Treatment in a number of ways. There will be experts that will insist that people cannot become addicted to Marijuana. That Drug Abuse will be a more appropriate label. Physical addiction to Marijuana will be denied. Therefore third party payment for detox will be out of the question. Legalized Marijuana will increase the depth of denial in an addict with the argument that if it is legal it must not be a problem. The use of Marijuana impairs attention and judgment and will make the casual user more willing to try other drugs or partake in questionable behavior.


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